I help ambitious female leaders 10X their productivity without the hustle. 

Empowering You to take control of your Results

 Are you ready? 


Choose the Holistic Leadership Coaching package that serves you!

Individual Coaching

Discover your true potential and achieve personal growth with our individual coaching program. Whether you're seeking career advancement, improved relationships, or personal development, y individual coaching sessions are tailored to meet your unique goals and aspirations.

Through one-on-one sessions, Chana provides a safe and confidential space where you can openly explore your challenges, clarify your vision, and develop a roadmap for success.

I use proven methodologies and customized techniques to help you overcome obstacles, identify your strengths, and unlock your hidden potential. With my expert guidance, you'll gain clarity, enhance your self-awareness, and develop the skills necessary to achieve your desired outcomes.

Your coaching journey starts with my FREE Coaching Connection Call!

Group Coaching

Experience the power of collective wisdom and support through my transformative group coaching programs. Join a dynamic community of like-minded individuals who share similar aspirations and challenges. My group coaching sessions provide a supportive and collaborative environment where you can learn from both the coach and your peers.

In a group setting, you'll benefit from diverse perspectives, shared experiences, and valuable insights. As a skilled coach, I facilitate engaging discussions, interactive exercises, and targeted activities that promote personal growth and learning. Through group coaching, you'll gain new perspectives, build meaningful connections, and develop valuable skills in communication, leadership, and teamwork.

Meet Chana Ross!

As a highly passionate Holistic Leadership Coach, Women's Health Advocate, and Host of the "She Has the Audacity" Podcast, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my coaching practice. With a background as a business and life coach, pelvic health physiotherapist, and clinic director, I am dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve their full potential.

In addition to my professional roles, I am also a mom of four, navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood alongside my entrepreneurial husband. This personal experience has deepened my understanding of the complexities of balancing multiple roles and responsibilities.

Known for my expertise in pelvic health, prenatal preparation, and the realities of parenthood, I am sought after as an educator and speaker. Drawing from my own journey as a recovering perfectionist, I offer insights and strategies to help individuals overcome self-imposed limitations and embrace their imperfections with self-compassion.

As a true champion for high-achieving women, I understand the challenges that arise from striving for perfection. My goal is to help these individuals let go of unrealistic expectations and align with their authentic purpose, allowing them to live fulfilling and balanced lives.

Through a holistic approach encompassing coaching, mentoring, and education, I am committed to facilitating personal growth and empowering individuals to thrive in all areas of life. If you're ready to break free from the cycle of burnout and embrace a more fulfilling path, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we can unlock your potential, cultivate resilience, and create positive, lasting change.

Tired of Spinning Your Wheels and Feeling Stuck in Overwhelm?

The #1 reason my clients aren't moving forward is because they are feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

"I feel like I'm doing so much, but not getting anything that matters done. It's like every day I'm spinning my wheels trying to get ahead."

If you're feeling busy, but not accomplished or like you're constantly at full capacity, you may be operating from a state of stress or burnout.

Don't worry– we've all been there, but feeling busy is only one side of the story. To get to the root of how your time is truly spent, complete our FREE 7 DAY TIME AUDIT GUIDE to: 

Gain clarity on the allocation of your time
Establish time boundaries
Delegate tasks that deplete your energy
Unlock extra time in your day


She has the Audacity is a Podcast and community for busy women like you — entrepreneurs, mothers, and leaders who are committed to leaving their mark on this world. Listen in on intimate conversations with host Chana Ross and relatable women who have had the audacity to choose an outside-the-box life and do it with an open heart.

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